Just recently while conducting a pre purchase inspection in Melbourne we found a number of defects in a brand new home on two occassions. The home owners of both the properties were naturally not pleased but luckily due to the fact we were able to report on the defects in a comprehensive written building report, they could negotiate a price. The final outcome of the first property was a saving of $30.000 and the second home owners saved an amazing $48,000 off the final invoice through making a claim to repair the defective items. This came at the expense of the builders insurance company. Needless to say the dissapointment of finding a few defects turned to delight for both of these homeowners by having us conduct a pre purhase building inspection! The saving cost the clients a competitve rate of only $495 for a pre purchase inspection in Melbourne which includes a fully detailed report including photos and a verbal run down after we have viewed the property. To view our rates and make a booking you may do so view our ‘make a booking’ page on our website. You too could save money and your piece of mind…