Importance of maintaining Gutters!

This time of year autumn is coming to an end and heavy rains are forecast. Leaves and debris are common concerns in clogging up our gutters and downpipes which will cause rust and costly replacing of gutters. In time clogged downpipes will cause overflow followed by moisture damage to eaves and fascias.The small amount of time  spent on maintaining gutters will save you hundreds in the future.

This weeks roundup

Wiring Issues

This week we came across a couple of common issues with wiring – common because these issues occur regularly as most owners will never see them. Faulty wiring is a common cause of household fires and these issues can get progressively worse over time.

These issues were found in 2 houses during Building Inspections in Melbourne’s inner south.

Downlight covers are recommended to prevent fire hazards
Exposed wires in roof should be in a junction box.

Rust (and decay) never sleep

Here are a couple of typical issues we find with older properties. Roof repairs can be costly if left too long and their decay can cause further issues with water damage and when combined with the faulty wiring issues above can be a recipe for disaster!

Decay is fascia
Corrosion in underside of roof. Can lead to water damage and moisture related problems.
Rust in roof sheets